How to Shop Safe
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How to Shop Safe During COVID-19
Posted by The Refind Room on

St. Louis City and County have published the following rules for retailers when re-opening:
• Frequent disinfecting of all high-touch areas
• Reasonable breaks for employees to wash hands
• Employees practice social distancing guidelines
• Employees wear masks
• Display markings for customers to be able to follow social distancing guidelines
• Daily screenings of all employees for risk of COVID-19 infections
• Allow any employee who tests positive to go into isolation process until they recover
• Allow any employee who came in contact with a COVID-19 positive person to be quarantined
• Businesses limited to 25% occupancy of buildings, based on building and fire code
• Physical barriers installed where 6-feet social distancing isn't possible
• No outside containers brought in by customers
• Touch-less payment, delivery and pickup should be used whenever possible
In addition to the St. Louis County guidelines, we will be implementing additional safeguards to keep you healthy when you visit our store:
- Shopping by appointment so that you can shop when you want without waiting and to avoid crowds;
- A totally reorganized store that allows for easy shopping in an uncrowded environment;
- Virtual shopping and complimentary design consults, so that you can shop and decorate from comfort of your own home;
- Improved e-commerce website so that you can review our inventory before and after you shop.
We can’t wait to see you again. We are hoping these extra touches will make your visit to our store even more enjoyable and give you the outstanding service you deserve!
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How to Shop Safe During COVID-19
Posted by The Refind Room on

St. Louis City and County have published the following rules for retailers when re-opening:
• Frequent disinfecting of all high-touch areas
• Reasonable breaks for employees to wash hands
• Employees practice social distancing guidelines
• Employees wear masks
• Display markings for customers to be able to follow social distancing guidelines
• Daily screenings of all employees for risk of COVID-19 infections
• Allow any employee who tests positive to go into isolation process until they recover
• Allow any employee who came in contact with a COVID-19 positive person to be quarantined
• Businesses limited to 25% occupancy of buildings, based on building and fire code
• Physical barriers installed where 6-feet social distancing isn't possible
• No outside containers brought in by customers
• Touch-less payment, delivery and pickup should be used whenever possible
In addition to the St. Louis County guidelines, we will be implementing additional safeguards to keep you healthy when you visit our store:
- Shopping by appointment so that you can shop when you want without waiting and to avoid crowds;
- A totally reorganized store that allows for easy shopping in an uncrowded environment;
- Virtual shopping and complimentary design consults, so that you can shop and decorate from comfort of your own home;
- Improved e-commerce website so that you can review our inventory before and after you shop.
We can’t wait to see you again. We are hoping these extra touches will make your visit to our store even more enjoyable and give you the outstanding service you deserve!